If you need support or encouragement from other students, have a look at these webistes of Christian groups on your campus. There are plenty of people around. If you become aware of other groups, please let me know. I've had contact with all of these groups over the years and recommend them. Some groups are more 'social' while others are more 'spiritual' yet they all have a combination of both. Find the contact person on the site and let them know what you are after.
Evangelical Students (ES)
Catholic Youth
Evangelical Students (ES)
Catholic Youth
Oxygen (Pentecostal)
Overseas Christian Fellowship (OCF)
Lutheran Students and Friends (LSF)
*Other Chaplains (and Christian Support Workers) on your campus*
Catholic Chaplains at Mawson Lakes
I spent a friendly afternoon with these people last week - if you are or know anyone who is Catholic or lapsed Catholic, I'd have no hesitation sending anyone to them. Arturo also has a heart for overseas students. They are:
Arturo Jimenea,
Sister Liz Tham
Father Roderick O'Brien
Available Tuesday 12.30 - 1.30pm during semester8258 2314 (work)Room: H1-33 salcath@chariot.net.au
Revd Father Silouan Fotineas (Greek Orthodox)
I have not met Father Fotineas yet but he is on the official UniSA site:
Available by appointment Mobile: 0438 334 370
Rev.Stephen Trautwien from Mawson Lakes Community Church has special interest in supporting international students. He does a 'bread run' to international students who live near the campus and is always brimming with new ideas on how to best support students from overseas. I've got to know Pastor Stephen a bit over the years and he has a long history of helping people out. So, if you know any overseas students who are a bit lonely or need a hand contact Stephen on phone:
8162 5108 or 0403 007 156
Naughty - I can translate with "google translate" remember!